a purple bloom I find scattered around the wood pile...
a tiny white flower growing in the direct sunlight of the newly mowed field...
a brilliant yellow dandelion with a humble bowed head...
One can still find authentic country stores in SW Va - I love the sign for nightcrawlers. Stepping inside, we were blasted with the smell of frying bacon and encountered one central aisle and two walls of canned foods and cold beverages. I had to buy a Orange Crush in a glass bottle - I haven't seen one of those in years.
Yes, the refrigerators were stocked with cold beer - what a wonderful beverage to gulp down after a hot day on the river!
Back home, I was able to catch a second episode of Knitty Gritty and whipped up a quick lunch of fresh guacamole with
flat leaf parsley and a hot pepper from my little garden.
I finished out the day by preparing a pasta dish of sauteed mango, garlic, onion, sweet red pepper with a generous amount of cumin and several dashes of crushed red pepper. Just the right amount of sweet and savory and plenty left over for lunch tomorrow at work. Goodnight....