Friday night was cooking out and the guys played cards - let's just say I went to bed early. Something about drinking cold beverages sitting along the creekside...Saturday morning we had a hearty breakfast at Maw and Paw's in Eagle Rock and then on the James River for a day of canoeing! I hope to be able to recover the pictures from the memory stick... and I was able to! CVS has a great digital camera photo service for the novice picture taker - I was able to plug in the memory card from my ruined camera into their picture printer and copy selected pictures onto a CD and only cost $2.99. Good deal! Here's the last pictures taken with my old Sony cyper-shot....
These shasta daisies were growing along the corner of the gravel parking lot close to the place we put our canoes into the James River.
A view of the river towards the small community of Eagle Rock...
We floated to the riverbank for a bathroom break .... I spotted this frog on my short hike to find a private bathroom spot. The presence or absence of frogs is an indication of the health of the environment - they serve as a kind of "canary in the coal mine" in the countryside.
Shortly after I took this picture we turned over the canoe and the camera fell into the river....the rest of the weekend was relaxing. I slept soundly Saturday night and got up early and cooked breakfast for all the guys after they had a late night of playing cards and trying to pretend they were still 21. I believe the greasy bacon and egg sandwiches were appreciated....
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