Saturday, December 29, 2007

Edith Piaf knitting...

In La Vie en Rose, the actress portraying Edith Piaf is seen knitting throughout the film - now I find a photo of Edith Piaf knitting while in the hospital - she was certainly dedicated. I particularly like the scene in the movie where she performs wearing a sweater with a partly completed sleeve. I suppose she may have knitted by necessity as well as for the calming effect of the rhythmic motions and the meditative qualities.

My blogging has been hit or miss lately due to a poorly functioning computer...well, I purchased a new one 12/26....this Microsoft Vista is much different than the previous versions .... but my blogging should be more regular...

Thursday, December 13, 2007


A coworker left these beautiful orange persimmons on my desk. I'm grateful to have such good friends.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

My New Apron

Aprons are generally associated with women's work - I view the apron as a woman's version of the work shirt. Women traditionally have donned aprons when doing all manners of work - cooking, cleaning, gardening, hanging out the laundry....I wear mine proudly as I do the work I enjoy...and it keeps the stains from my "good" clothes....

Roanoke Warehouses, etc.

I pass this building each morning on my way to work. Tucked close to the bridge crossing over the reailroad tracks , this vacant stable is likely not seen by most.

I hope to stop by another day for more photos but for now this grainy photo looking into the stables will do.

One of the many barred over windows...

Also along the railroad less than half a mile away, the vacant warehouse of a Roanoke based department story lost to the big boxes still stands.

A little further away on my drive home I spot this apple warehouse - again alongside the railroads so important to Roanoke's early development. In the new year I plan to be a diligent student of photography and think exploration of the warehouses dotted the railroad landscape will make an interesting study.