Friday, November 24, 2006


Haven't written much about food lately.....I haven't been terribly imaginative in my cooking - mostly my usual standbys such as pasta with veggies, garlic and olive oil and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I take to work on evening shift. I did cook huge quantities of all the traditional Thanksgiving food yesterday and am now looking at a refrigerator full of leftovers. I'll eat some of the vegetables and my husband will eat some of the meat. I'm taking two uncut pies and a whole cooked turkey breast to the local homeless shelter tomorrow. I'll experiment with some recipes from several vegetarian cookbooks and websites I've browsed lately during my upcoming break from school. Running and cooking has suffered the past few weeks.....on a lighter note (goodness, I need one).'s Virginia the cat rolling in sawdust from last week's remodeling project

Postscript: I ran/walked 45 minutes in the neighborhood this afternoon....brisk late fall day.

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