Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Purchased in 1970

I watched the Jane Austen Book Club a couple of days ago.... pleasant movie viewing while knitting. My reading goal this year is to read again all of Jane Austen's works - I have several copies of Jane Austen books including the complete volume as seen in the movie, a worn exlibrary copy from a deceased dear friend's collection and my most prized copy...

...a Collier Books paperback edition I purchased for 95 cents in December 1970 at Ram's Head bookstore...


Σφιγξ said...

When given the choice, do you write with purple pen?

Sandra said...

Blue/purple is my preferred ink color.

Rebecca D. Dillon said...

I tried to watch the Jane Austen Book Club but just couldn't get into it. I think my husband watched more of it than I did.

Conchscooter said...

Bloody hell! All Jane Austen all the time?