Sunday, September 07, 2008

Depth of Field

First assignment in the photography class I'm attending this semester - learning to adjust shutter speed and aperture. Using automatic settings is much easier...


Σφιγξ said...

I like this:

"The size of the glass relates to the film/sensor speed. A larger glass requires more water to fill, or more light to properly expose the sensor (a slower film speed). The amount of water coming out of the tap is your aperture. And the length of time the tap is open, shutter speed. So, to fill a glass of water, you can crack the tap open to a drip and let it run a long time, or open it full for just a second. The result is the same, a full glass of water."

Nana Sadie said...

Photography class! Cool! I like both shots...very interesting (especially the first)
BTW...I have something ready for you!

Conchscooter said...

I like using shutter speed for brightly contrasting subjects. A leaden gray sky, which is bright but not crisp and clear like a sunny day looks much better if you fiddle with the shutter speed. Night shots too can be manipulated. Digital is fabulous because you see you results right there and can have another go to see what you get.I can't wait to get my obligatory classes done as there is a respected instructor of photography at Florida Keys CC.