Monday, November 10, 2008

Building Character....

I've heard it happens to most everyone at least once....


Nana Sadie said...

oh no!!!
I'm so sorry.

Larkin Hardy said...

Hell, in radio it's happened to the average air person at least a dozen times.

Σφιγξ said...

Your morning face will be surely missed...

Pam! said...

huh?? what?? am I reading this right??
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm around if you need to talk, knit, drink coffe, swear, etc.

Jenn said...

I've been there.. twice. Both abrupt layoffs. The change resulted in a better situation both times though so I don't look back with bitterness. I hope you find a better situation soon as well.

Anonymous said...

Really? There must be something better right around the corner!

Conchscooter said...

Er isn't your line of work recession/depression proof?
Hike down to the PD and ask about dispatching. You can knit to your heart's content!

Sandra said...

Hey conchscooter - my line of work is depression/recession proof but,alas, not b***h proof ;-). Oh well, another job is waiting...

momqat said...

I'm behind the times. What happened to you stinks like a freshly run over skunk! Hope your new situation is way better!