Monday, July 31, 2006

Another hot one...

Recovery day after the 8 mile run/walk in yesterday's heat. Planning to meet Linda early for a 8am run hoping to beat the heat - heat index of 100 predicted tomorrow!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot Weather Running

Ran 1.5 miles on Saturday to meet my husband at the local golfer's hangout after he played 18 holes with 11 other men. At 5 pm the temperature was still close to 90. I had the opportunity to run with Linda today early but slept in on my first full day of vacation. Husband left for another golf game at 11a today and I headed out to the reservoir where I've been running trails with Linda since the early spring. Another hot day with a temperature of almost 100F on the post directly in the full sun at noon - I believe the official temperature was in the low 90s- still hot! I had my 1 l hydration pack on and planned to have a fitness run/walk with at 15 minute/mile pace. I met three young fellows mountain biking, a couple hiking with their dog, and a family of three with a dog - I stopped and briefly chatted with each of them. I also saw a turkey and five deer but couldn't get pictures of the animals. Got to the bridge at the 4 mile post at a 15 minute/mile pace (kept track with my chronograph). Took a quick bathroom break and headed back to my car - drinking water each time I started uphill and pacing myself in the hot weather. I was grateful to see the 1/2 post on my way back in, having another quick break and taking off my pack to cool down a bit. Good run/walk at a 15minute/mile in the heat - I drank the entire liter of water I was carrying. I'm starting to feel more confident about the half marathon trail run I'm doing in September. My goal is to finish on my feet!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Meeting my Weekly Running Goal - Barely

My goal is to run/walk at least 3 days a week - met that goal this week but wanted to do more. Twelve extra hours of work and doubling back today with less than 5 hours sleep cuts into the running/walking time. Eight hours of work tomorrow then vacation for 11 days - next Saturday I will be running the Coast Guard 5k in Key West!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Something Completely Different...

Some days are just not meant for running. Still recovering from a hard 12+hour shift and have to go back at 3p. Finished this baby blanket for a co- worker - back to running tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

13 hour shift

Need I say more? Looking forward to a good night's sleep, waking up without the alarm clock and running in the neighborhood before I go to work at 3p.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Fitness Walking in the Rain

Linda and I walked a good fitness walk of 10 miles at an ~15 minute/rate. Lots to catch up on since we hadn't talked in a while - a few brief sprints but I would have to call this a walk. We had some good hill work on the trail circling around the reservoir and was rained on coming back in -soaked with mud on the back of our calves (we were walking a muddy trail) by the time we got back to our vehicles. Good workout - can feel it in my calves and feet. Still looking for that hydration pack with sternum and waist straps that doesn't bounce around when I run/walk....time for a nap now....

Monday, July 24, 2006

Day of Rest ...Sorta

Worked a 8 hour shift - everyone in the hospital knows that Mondays are chaos! No running/walking today besides what I did at work - still a little sore from the run on Saturday. About that Saturday was a 5k up and down hills and much of the path was on a slant - we were running on the side of the hills rather than straight up and down. Wonder how many twisted ankles happened? The fields were in use so had been plowed and were uneven - lots of small holes to sink a foot into. Lots of cow mature too! The cows in the next field over followed the runners probably wondering what we were doing and questioning the sensibility of us humans. Aside all that I had a wonderful time finishing dead last and the young fellow driving the ATV a respectful distance behind me gave me a hug at the finish line. First time I've ever been last AND the oldest woman! Time was 40 minutes and I was happy - the hardest race I've ever done! Resting up for a long trail run with my best buddy Linda - starting at 8am hoping to beat the heat.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

This is How You Do It

I'm often asked "How do you find the time to exercise?" Well, first of all I do not watch TV or shop as a leisure activity. According to Nielsen Media Research in 2005 the average American family had the TV on 8 hours/11 minutes daily. Now I know many use the TV as background noise but if just one hour of that time each day was used for exercise...Ok, I think I made my point. Anyway, today my husband and I were scheduled to work together - he was scheduled 12 hours and I was 8. I decided to throw my gym bag in the car trunk and walk the 5 mile greenway loop adjacent to the hospital alongside the river. I figured I would walk during that 4 hour time he would be working after my shift would be completed. I was dressed and walking by 5p and listening to NPR on my nano. (The greenway is vehicle free so I feel safe with the earpieces in.) I try to schedule evening run/walks at 5p so I can listen to the news and enjoy the somewhat coooler temperatures. I finished by 6:30, picked him up in front of the hospital and drove home. Exercise completed, work frustrations dissolved, and one less vehicle adding exhaust emissions to the atmosphere - that seems just about perfect to me!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Most difficult race yet!

I ran/walked the Linktrack 5k in Christiansburg, VA this morning. I was warned this was a difficult run with rolling hills. Oh well, I finished and the scenery was beautiful. I'm write more after my nap.